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Legalised CBE extract

Want to invest abroad? Or open a foreign bank account? Then you need a legalised CBE extract. A CBE extract is like a birth certificate, but for your business. It lists your basic details and the activities you carry out. A document that is official and legal in one country is not automatically so in another. Many documents therefore need to be legalised first before you can use them across the border.
Legalisation involves checking the origin of a document. Legalisation is an official confirmation that the signature of the official who signed a document or the stamp on the document is genuine. You should always select both the service 'CBE extract legalised' and the service 'Apostille or legalisation at FPS Foreign Affairs'. These are always linked. We arrange your CBE extract and ensure the correct legalisation. So you are always in order.
For domestic use or in one of the following countries: Denmark, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Estonia or Latvia, an ordinary extract is sufficient. You can request it here.