Are you switching to another bank, and your company is getting a new bank account number? Then you must immediately inform the CBE and change your business account number.
When you start a business in Belgium, you need a business account. This bank account number is listed in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen, CBE), the official database of the Belgian government. As with all other details of your business in the CBE, you must keep this number up to date. So, are you switching to another bank and getting a new professional bank account number for your business? If so, you must immediately register this change in the CBE. Are you liable to pay VAT too? Then you must also inform the VAT administration, and change your business account number with them.
Tip: For a company, a business account number is mandatory. As a sole proprietor, it's optional. Nevertheless, a business bank account number is recommended, so you not only keep an overview yourself, but you also save the tax authorities a lot of work.