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I want to expand my business activities

Please note that some activities require certain permits. For example, a permit from the Federal Food Agency (Federaal Voedselagentschap - FAVV) if you want to work with food or an authorisation for street trading if you want to offer products on the market. If your business is located in the Brussels or Walloon Region, a diploma or practical experience may be required for certain activities. You can take care of this via the business office.
Sole proprietorship or partnership
Do you have a company? Then you can only carry out the activities that are listed as objectives in the articles of association of your company (although you are not obliged to actually carry out all these activities). If your activities change, the purpose of your company will also change. The result? You need to get your articles of association changed. For limited liability companies, this requires a visit to the notary. For companies with unlimited liability, such as a CommV, VOF or a Partnership, you can pass on the change directly through icounter.